International Journal of Politics and Good Governance
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 Editorial Board

Prof. Carlos Cunha

Professor of Political Science
B.A., University of Massachusetts; M.A., University of Connecticut; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts

Carlos Cunha is Professor in the Political Science Department at Dowling College (Oakdale, NY) and Associate Researcher at CIES (Centre for Research and Studies in Sociology), a research centre of ISCTE (University Institute of Management, Social Sciences and Technologies). He wrote The Portuguese Communist Party's Strategy for Power, 1921-1986 (Garland, 1992), and has published numerous articles, book chapters, and reviews on various aspects of Portuguese politics, specializing on the use of Information Communication Technologies in the nation as well as the Portuguese Communist Party.

His research interests include International Communism, Information Communication Technologies and European Political Parties, American Foreign Policy, International Political Economy, Latin American Politics, and assorted other topics.








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